Thursday 27 September 2012

300 word analysis of a clip from the film V for Vendetta

The shot of the chancellor that we see first is low angle shot telling us that this character is very powerful and holds the superiority of the people below who he is speaking to. This is a very interesting shot as he is not in the room but talking via a webcam and also that the character can still be deemed powerful without being present. We can see that this character is important due to his costume as the suit looks expensive.
The next shot type we see is a high angle shot of Mr Creedy. All around the character there seems to be darkness but he is illuminated with light. The two lights juxtaposed together taking two different meanings as dark means evil and light means  religion could mean that he has conflicting feelings but also cause there is more dark that seems to surround could also mean that his character is becoming more evil and the dark light is the evil surrounding him, with the white light being the only pure piece left of the character. The reference for the lighting in this scene could be taken from many films when characters are telling “scary stories” they shine a light up over their face creating a “creepy” atmosphere. The way the light shines on the person who is talking shows that the other men around the table are listening to everyone speak.  The shots showing the men around the table are high angle shots making them all look small and weak and shows that they look up to the chancellor when he speaks. In the next show, a long shot, we see how the contrast between all the men and the chancellor as the shot of the men taken from a distance means they appear to be small on the screen where as when the chancellor appears he seems to be close up taking up the majority of the screen, showing how much power he has also making the audience aware of his importance in the story. From this we can see that the chancellor holds the power in the scene and the men around him are his workers and they obey the chancellor as if they were slaves. 

1 comment:

  1. Abbie, I am concerned that your homework is not getting completed - there is no evidence of the CoM study over half term or your study proposal for your textual analysis coursework

    You need to be prepared for classes this week by being up to date - there has been nothing posted for 6 weeks

    1. A 5 minute presentation on your Study Proposal for your coursework - which films, what points of comparison, what MACRO(s) - (this ought to have been done last week so we are 1 week behind as some people did not come prepared - i.e. do their half term and I know who you are do not make this mistake this week)

    Be prepared to discuss/answer questions on what you have learned since last week about your MACRO area (ie Genre & Narrative)

    1st Draft (1000-1500 words) is due in 2 weeks

    2. Propaganda poster with slogan that encapsulates a Message/Value from the film V for Vendetta with a background image(s) of key scenes from the film that communicate this message

    Be prepared to discuss how it creates this message start of Fridays lesson

    3. You must have completed your half term homework by studying Children of Men for Friday and have taken notes on themes and scenes - I will be expecting you to be up to date and ready for class hence there will be a Quiz
